Over the past few years, New York fashion week and New Zealand fashion week have had a clashing timetable. Yep, that’s right, New Zealand are taking on the big apple, and their big fashion.
Although NYFW and NZFW are so similar on a search engine that one miss-typed letter could result in equivocal Google search results suggesting a much smaller, sheepish version of New York’s fashion week, NZFW had no reservations in holding their annual fashion forward event at the same time as NY, inviting international fashion heads and bloggers alike.
Some of the NZ designers presented over the week-long event included Anne Geddes enthusiastAnnah Stretton, grunge and punk inspired Stolen Girlfriend’s Club, young-and-upcoming Lela Jacobs, tartan on tartan Trelise Cooper (no seriously, so much tartan it gave Vivienne Westwood a run for her money), young, edgy hipster influenced label UNDERGROUND, and the casual vs. dressy collection bySalasai.
Each designer displayed their own style and influences through juxtaposition between materials, textures, makeup and a lot of over exaggerated hairstyles and hair pieces. If you watch Annah Stretton’s runway show you will know exactly what sort of over exaggerated head gear i’m talking about.
Overall the event encapsulated a theme of folk come punk vibe, with NZFW goers sporting some serious leather, tartan and strangely paired paisley dresses, collared shirts and of course, perfectly knitted woolen jumpers (slightly expected, New Zealanders).
Always, Sometimes, Anytime (one of my favourite, newly discovered fashion and culture online magazines) supplied some seriously great coverage in the form of polaroid greatness.