Mar 31, 2012


So, this cover (like a version) was recorded a while ago now but I am still so in love with it... and Matt.

Mar 22, 2012

Amanda Blake

A few months ago when I was reading my beloved Frankie Magazine, all readers were lucky enough to receive a lovely Amanda Blake poster, which made my day.

Amanda Blake is an American artist who produces the cutest, and most fantastic oil pantings, varying from portraits, children and night skies, as well as many many other slightly obsure, but wonderful, scenarios. Check out her portfolio here: Amanda Blake's portfolio

I discovered Amanda's artwork whilst studying Art in year 12. That was probably the most stressful year of my life due to that subject, but nevertheless... I did discover some amazing artists and learnt lots about many people that I would not know about otherwise!

Check out Amanda's art blog here:

happy snaps

A collection of lovely shots that were taken by a few of my friends over the last few summer months. I love them.


So... Tonight I rode my shitty little bike down to the closest JB-HiFi to spend literally about an hour and a half, deciphering over what I should buy. I received a couple of vouchers for my birthday and christmas so I was keen as to use them - finally!
Out of my top ten picks, I decided to get six. Obviously I wanted them all, but the fund situation wouldn't permit. So, the final list that was purchased is the following:

1. Last Dinosaurs - In a Million Years (a record I have wanted to get my hands on since I heard their track "Zoom" which has the biggest bad-ass rif you have ever heard. I literally couldn't get it out of my head for days!)

2. First Aid Kit - The Lions Rawr

3. The Kooks - Junk of the Heart

4. Passanger - All The Little Lights

5. Gypsy and The Cat - Gilgamesh .....and finally

6. The Shins - Port of Morrow (Shit yes!)

Once I have listened and sought through all of these lovely records I am going to review "The Shins - Port of Morrow" because it has been so highly anticipated and who doesn't love a banging Shin's melody?

Mar 15, 2012


Tonight has been lonely yet lovely. I went down to china town by myself and indulged in a little asian cuisine, vegetarian dumpling soup which was delicious and nutritious. Next came a stroll down Gouger St whilst having a peruse through the window of a small boutique store which I parked close too (there was a really nice watch in there). I came home and had the urge to indulge myself further, but not with food, with culture. So, I downloaded a few classic films that I am so, so excited to re-watch.

1. Breakfast at Tiffany's
2. Hugo
3. Inception
4. Pulp Fiction

Time to lose all train of thought and get into these bad boys!

Madness in March

Living in Adeliade is always the most exciting when it comes to the month of March. The weekend that has just past is definitely worth writing about as there were so many amazing gigs, festivals and other events which complete this crazy yet fabulous month. Womadelaide kicked off on Friday, and continued through til Monday. As much as I wanted to attend the festival in its entirity, I was only able to live it up all Saturday, day and night. The day was amazing, filled with wonderful world music, and meeting the percusionist from one of my all time favorite bands, Jinja Safari. Jinja was one of the first gigs that we saw on the day, who completely set the mood. Their rad jungle-pop beats and amazing enthusiasm left us chipper head to toe, with our bodies swaying to their glorious tunes. If you haven't heard of Jinja Safari before, I definitely reccommend it. It also doesn't go astray to gaze into the eyes of all of the band members who are all of sex god status...

The rest of the day was filled with crazy dancing, chilled siestas under the shade, lots of cider, and basking in the sunshine which made for an amazing day even if I did spend my life savings. Without sounding like a crazed alcoholic, Monday morning was arisen with excitment and began with a cheeky glass of Moscato. The crew came over to my house, and we were blasting tunes to the likes of Fat Boy Slim, Skrillex and The Wombats, all of which were playing at the Future Music Festival which we began drinking a little bit too early for. Although the day seemed to all roll into one big blur of fun in the sun listening to fantastic beats, it was none the less, totally awesome. I was surrounded by all my buds and honestly had such a good day. Highlight of the day was for sure the Wombats, even if I did miss their final and best song "Let's Dance to Joy Division".

Mermaids - Jinja Safari


When you are young, your parents and family members alert you that you won't know yourself until you reach a certain level of maturity and self actualisation. I always thought that this was silly. As a child I never understood that you couldn't ''know yourself'' because, well, how can you not? You are you, and no-one else knows what you feel like or think about 100% of the time. Recently, I have come to realise exactly what those wise ones were talking about. I believe that I am finally falling into my own personally designed, individual spot in the world, and I know that things will become easier from here on in.

I am not entirely sure about everyone else, but as a teenager I always had a sense of longing. No-matter how hard I tried at school, how many new people I would meet, or how many different phases I went through, it was always there, whether I knew it at the time or not. Recently, I have begun to realise what sort of person I actually am and what direction I am heading through in the maze that we call life. In the last few months especially, I have been alerted to the smaller things in life, and how one little change in ones behavior or actions can make all the difference. Lately, I have been trying to surround myself with things that make me happy, not anyone else, just me. No matter how much I am judged, whether it be good or bad, I have learnt that I can't always put other's needs before my own. To move toward that feeling of self actualisation, I have been learning, very slowly, that some people are just not worth my time. The people that surround me currently each have there place, and all make me incredibly happy to be around.

The feeling that the wise owls from my youth were trying to describe to me, I believe is an ulitmate feeling of happiness, which can be found in every aspect of your life. I like to think that I am slowly but surely working towards this, and sometimes I just get it. Get what you ask? The feeling of ultimate happiness, that nothing can tear me down, that I am a whole.

This may seem incredibly contentious, or corny, or even lame for that matter... But those who know the feeling I am talking about, will understand this completely.