So.. Uni went back today. Wow I am so excited.......... Well, not particularly but I guess holidays had to end some time! Of course the day that university resumes, I decided that I would like to make a YouTube account. I am not entirely sure why, but after sitting on there for a few days, lolin' at the hilarious videos, and sitting there in awe at all of the amazing talented people around the globe, I decided I want in. I will most likely fail at posting regular videos, just as I have failed at maintaining this blog, and tumblr.. But, I will try! Yes, it will most likely be yet another thing to distract me from my study, but I am excited !
I thought that I would post a video from the daily show that we watched in a lecture today. The daily show makes news so great, and this particular episode is hilarious! Unfortunately I couldn't imbed it.. but here is the link. <>
Jul 25, 2011
Jun 20, 2011
farm adventures
Last Saturday my family and I went to mum's uncles farm for a cute family barbeque and breath of fresh air. I wasn't really looking forward to it completely but it ended up being fun!
University holidays have arrived, and I am loving life without exams! Such a good feeling to be able to chill and not worry about study or homework that is yet to be completed. So far I have had a few rowdy nights, met a few lovely boys, and experienced a broken heart... yet the holidays are still here so I will continue to par-tay! (even if I do have $0).
Last night I borrowed a stack of movies to get through and enjoy watching all by my lonesome, the benefits of having friends that work in not so good but extremely beneficial places, e.g. video ezy. Here is my currently borrowed list!
1. Scott Pilgrim vs the world
2. Sin City
3. American Beauty
4. The Lovely Bones
5. The King's Speech
Last night I borrowed a stack of movies to get through and enjoy watching all by my lonesome, the benefits of having friends that work in not so good but extremely beneficial places, e.g. video ezy. Here is my currently borrowed list!
1. Scott Pilgrim vs the world
2. Sin City
3. American Beauty
4. The Lovely Bones
5. The King's Speech
Mar 24, 2011
Mar 22, 2011
Mar 2, 2011
Feb 16, 2011
m i d d l e t o n
A few weeks ago I went down to middleton for a night with clare and dorothy! I had the best time with them at da love shack hehe we just chilled, played board games, watched the 40 year old virgin and became a bit sunkissed on the beach ! (oh, and also wrote dorothy's number in the sand for some cutie boys to find) clare and our devious ways!
Feb 14, 2011
the end of an era
I haven't exactly looked at this blog in a while, a little depressing I know! I have just been so busy (even though it hasn't exactly felt like it.) We are now approaching the month of March, 2011, leaving the year 2010 far behind. Although this is terribly scary considering it felt like yesterday when I completed my final year 12 exam and began the 4 glorious months of holidays that lay ahead, March is also one of my favourite months in the city of Adelaide... as we like to call it 'march maddness' is the month where it's all at, fringe festival, clipsal, tour down under, womadelaide and future music all jam packed into one utterly catastrophic month. I say catastrophic due to the various personality types all situated in the same place. First you have the arty indie kids who enjoy a bit of the garden of unearthly delights and attending those intriguing comedy and music gigs, then you have the bogan rev-heads repping their southern cross tattoos and bikie beaters and rocking out to shannon noel at the clipsal. Next you have the wannabe cyclists who believe that as soon as the tour down under hits town, they immediately turn into pro cyclists, taking up every single seat outside cibo in their lycra jumpsuits and A-Grade bicylces that are used once a year. To go perfectly with the bogan atmosphere, down the road is womadelaide, a hippy music festival (my personal fave) that hosts some of the best culturally diverse acts around the world, with the people attending decked out in fisherman pants and dreds galore. Finally, to top it off you have the wogs and techno obsessed feinds who attend future music festival getting slizzard to infinity and beyond. As you can tell, the atmosphere in Adelaide goes offfffffffff. Since my last post there have been a few rather major events that have happened with christmas being one of them. This year I went to my aunties house for the day (and night) and just chilled out with my cousins for most of the day. As I have now been deemed 'too old' for presents, not a lot of my christmas wishes came true! To cure my unfullfilled desires I decided to go out with the little bit of $$$ I had left and buy myself some new clothes, returning with a glorious black jumpsuit and some canvas wedges.

A few days after christmas, a group of my gal pals and I went camping for a few days down at barmera. It was so much fun with all of them and even though I have probably now got skin cancer from how burnt I got, I loved every minute of it! I must admit, I was a terible driver on this trip though not only reversing into a street sign but running over a wooden post and reversing into a recycling bin were amoung my mishaps.
The next big event which I have disregaurded to write about was the notorious new years eve. Personally, I think that the event is rather over-rated although I did have a good night (possibly due to the half bottle of vodka consumed)

2011, bring me luck.

2011, bring me luck.
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